
As Legalized Marijuana Advances In Illinois, Advocates Prod New York

A bill that would legalize marijuana usage in Illinois cleared the state’s Senate on Thursday — spurring advocates in New York to nudge lawmakers on the issue.

“Illinois is another state ahead of New York that is one step closer to legalizing marijuana and expunging related past convictions for possession,” said the Drug Policy Alliance in a statement, a pro-legalization organization.

“Illinois Legislators recognize that ‘prohibition simply does not work,’ and that equity, and social and economic justice must be at the heart of marijuana legalization. Our New York State elected officials should be ashamed, as they stall on passing this important legislation, thousands of mostly black and brown New Yorkers are languishing in jails, limited access to medical marijuana, and losing out on economic opportunities across this state.”

The marijuana legalization measure in New York remains in limbo as lawmakers have amended the legislation to include aspects of what Gov. Andrew Cuomo called for earlier this year, including the creation of an Office of Cannabis Management.

“Albany still has time, and lawmakers can prove to Illinois and the rest of the nation that New York is ready to uphold its progressive promise by enacting the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act into law this session,” the group said in its statement. “If New York wants to continue to claim that our state is a leader in this country, we must pass the MRTA now!”

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