
Gillibrand Receives First NH Endorsement

A state lawmaker in New Hampshire became the first Granite State official to endorse Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s presidential campaign.

Rep. Sue Ford, a four-term lawmaker, gave her endorsement to Gillibrand, pointing to the New York senator’s ability to connect with families on the campaign trail.

“I’m endorsing Senator Gillibrand because she cares for New Hampshire families as if they were her own,” Ford said. “I won’t soon forget her first visit to Littleton where she entered the room and immediately chose to talk to a young boy of about 8, and heard from him about what he’s worried about. It says something that she not only acknowledges different voices, but actively seeks them out.”

The endorsement comes as Gillibrand has struggled to gain traction in fundraising and polling in the large Democratic primary field, which has now grown to more than 20 candidates.

“Senator Gillibrand will always fight for the silenced, marginalized, or ignored and I know that as President she will amplify those voices as she builds on her record of standing up for what’s right and advocates for the issues that affect our children like education, climate change, and public safety,” Ford said. “I’m proud to endorse Senator Gillibrand.”

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