
Public Financing Coalition Urges Appointment Of Commission

From the Morning Memo:

The coalition that has pushed for the adoption of a public financing system for elections has sent a letter to Gov. Andrew Cuomo and top lawmakers in the state Senate and Assembly urging them to appoint a campaign finance panel to consider the issue soon.

“With binding recommendations due in just over six months, we urge you to act quickly to seat the Commission so it may begin the important work of crafting the strongest possible public financing of elections policy for New York State. We also urge you to consider our previously released recommended criteria for forming the Commission and appointing its members,” the coalition, Fair Elections NY, wrote in the letter.

“To ensure that the Commission is set up to determine the best policy solutions it should, among other things, be transparent, independent, provide sufficient opportunity for public input and be comprised of a diverse range of knowledgeable individuals who support public financing of elections.”

The 9-member commission, created as part of the state budget in April, is due to submit a report by the end of the year that could lead to the enactment of changes to how New York’s political campaigns are conducted through the creation of a publicly funded system, the end to fusion balloting and other changes.

The panel will be composed of appointees by the governor as well as the Legislature. The commission was agreed to as a compromise as Assembly Democrats raised objections to the public financing proposal, which would create a system of small-dollar donations matched with public money.

The report is due by Dec. 1 and lawmakers can block the proposals by Dec. 22 or they become law.

Cuomo this spring has held multiple fundraising since the commission was created.

“Well we have the campaign finance reform commission that is going to come back at the end of the year,” Cuomo said in an interview on WAMC radio. “I hope with public financing, but look, that is right now the nature of the beast.”

03.29.18 Signed Nys Fair Elections Letter (1) by Nick Reisman on Scribd

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