
Stewart-Cousins Says Senate Has Votes For Vaccine Bill

A bill that would end the religious exemption for vaccinations in New York has sufficient support in the state Senate, Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins on Thursday said.

But the bill’s future remains unclear in the Assembly.

“I believe we have the votes in our conference,” Stewart-Cousins said at a news conference. “We’re trying to work out to see what the Assembly will be doing.”

The bill was proposed amid a measles outbreak in Rockland County and Brooklyn, largely affected Orthodox Jewish communities.

Speaker Carl Heastie said the measure remains under debate among majority Democrats. Heastie indicated he wanted to secure a majority of the conference’s support to bring the bill to the floor.

“We’re still working on it,” he said. “We have to have a requisite number of votes. We are still working on that.”

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