
Just 18 workers were guarding 750 jail inmates on the night Jeffrey Epstein died by suicide

metropolitan correctional center

  • The Manhattan jail that the financier Jeffrey Epstein died in last Saturday was chronically understaffed and had tasked just 18 workers with guarding 750 inmates.
  • Ten of those workers were working overtime when Epstein died, The New York Times reported, citing Bureau of Prison records.
  • The staffing problems have frequently resulted in workers like teachers or nurses guarding inmates, even though they are not correctional officers.
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On the night that Jeffrey Epstein died by suicide in a Manhattan jail, just 18 workers were tasked with guarding the roughly 750 inmates locked up there, The New York Times reported Saturday.

The financier and accused sex trafficker hanged himself with a bed sheet in his cell, just weeks after he was removed from suicide watch.

Epstein was charged with sex trafficking and conspiracy, and federal prosecutors had accused him of abusing dozens of girls as young as 14.

The Metropolitan Correctional Center has faced intense scrutiny following revelations that the two guards who were supposed to check in on Epstein every 30 minutes were actually asleep for several hours and falsified the jail logs.

Both guards had been working extreme overtime shifts, and one was only a former corrections officer who had volunteered for the shift.

FILE PHOTO: U.S. financier Jeffrey Epstein appears in a photograph taken for the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services' sex offender registry March 28, 2017 and obtained by Reuters July 10, 2019. New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services/Handout/File Photo via REUTERS

Read more: Epstein's last days were spent emptying vending machines with his lawyers in a private meeting room, avoiding suicide watch, and paying other inmates' commissaries

But the strenuous overtime hours the guards were working appears not to have been unusual for the facility. The Times reported that of the 18 workers in the jail that the night Epstein died, 10 were on overtime.

One post was even vacant, The Times reported, citing Bureau of Prison records.

The Times report documented a slew of appalling conditions at MCC, including chronic staffing issues that resulted in employees such as teachers and nurses working as guards even though they were not full-fledged corrections officers.

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