- Warning: There are spoilers ahead for "Joker."
- "Joker" is in theaters and Joaquin Phoenix stars as the latest iteration of Batman's greatest foe in the Warner Bros. film.
- While you're trying to discern what's fake from real in the two-hour movie, there are some references to other movies and comics you may overlook.
- From a Justin Theroux cameo to a nod to the Joker's hideout, Insider rounds up some of the details you may miss while watching the movie.
- Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.
"Joker" takes place in 1981 as evidenced by the movies displayed on the movie theater marquee.

"Joker" is very clearly a movie that doesn't take place in 2019. It almost exists outside of any real time period, but in Warner Bros.' production notes for the film, it's noted that director Todd Phillips is channeling the early '80s.
"We included a few elements from the canon and set it in a broken-down Gotham City around 1981 because that harkens back to that era and would remove it from the comic book world we're so familiar with in film today," Phillips says.
Keep an eye on some of the theater marquees and you'll notice references to a few movies from '81, including "Zorro, the Gay Blade."
The reference to a "Zorro" movie is a direct nod to how Batman's parents are killed in the DC Universe.

If you're even slightly familiar with Batman, you know that after he and his parents leave a screening of "The Mark of Zorro," they decide to walk down what's known as Crime Alley. Bruce Wayne's father, Thomas, gets held up at gunpoint by a mysterious figure and is both shot dead and robbed. Bruce's mother, Martha, is then shot, and pearls from her necklace are sent spilling all over the concrete.
In one iteration of the Waynes' murders from the comics, it's suggested that they're killed by a man named Joe Chill, who may or may not be the Joker.
The "Joker" also recreates this moment and shows a man with a clown mask killing the Waynes.
Justin Theroux has a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo.

Theroux plays a guest on "Live With Murray Franklin." It's the episode Fleck watches while he preps for his appearance on the late-night show.
Joker's social worker is named Debra Kane, and it's a subtle nod to one of the men who cocreated Batman, Bob Kane.

Comicbook.com noticed the Easter egg back in April during a trailer for the comics.
In the comics, Debra Kane is the name of a social worker who works with a young Bruce Wayne after his parents are murdered in "Batman: The Ultimate Evil."
"Joker" shares an overall theme with Alan Moore's graphic novel "The Killing Joke."

Though "Joker" is very much its own original take on the Clown Prince of Crime, it's tough to not make some comparisons to the popular graphic novel.
The over-arching theme of "The Killing Joke" is that all it takes is one bad day to turn a normal man crazy. That's essentially the story we're seeing in "Joker," just over a series of days.
Phillips told Empire a while back that any similarities between the comics and his vision for the character are accidental. If you're familiar with the character, it's a little tough to overlook.
There's a minor nod to Amusement Mile that's easy to miss.

Pay close attention when Arthur is being called in to speak to his boss. As he walks through the office, look at the walls and you'll see a few different signs hanging up. Among them is one for an amusement park.
In September 2018, I stumbled across a filming location that was being set up for "Joker" in New York City. One of the walls was covered with the words "Amusement Mile." If you're familiar with the Joker, you know that's one location where he has held his base of operations.
One of the detectives who is questioning Fleck throughout the film is named Detective Burke.

Burke may not be a direct reference to a specific DC character, but, for what it's worth, it is the name of Detective Thomas Burke who was introduced in 2000's Detective Comics No. 748.
Arkham State Hospital appears to stand in for Arkham Asylum.

The mental hospital that usually houses many of Batman's foes is called Arkham Asylum. "Joker" introduces us to a different facility called the Arkham State Hospital where his mother was previously held.
Phoenix's dance moves in the film were inspired by Ray Bolger.

Phoenix dances a lot as Joker throughout the film and he worked with choreographer Michael Arnold to get his moves just right.
"I think what influenced me the most was Ray Bolger," Phoenix told the Associated Press. "There was a particular song called 'The Old Soft Shoe' that he performed and I saw a video of it and there's this odd arrogance almost to his movements and, really, I completely just stole it from him. He does this thing of turning his chin up."
The film has a lot in common with 1976's "Taxi Driver" and 1983's "The King of Comedy," which both star Robert De Niro.

If you're familiar with De Niro's work, it's not tough to see the influence between the two films and "Joker."
In "The King of Comedy," De Niro also plays a comic who is obsessed with a TV host. In "Joker," De Niro plays a late-night host that he told Indiewire in April is a nod to his '80s movie.
In addition to "King of Comedy," Phillips said he was inspired by 1928 silent film "The Man Who Laughs," "Dog Day Afternoon," and "Taxi Driver." The latter's inspiration is easy to see as it's also about a loner who lashes out at a society that rejects him.
Charlie Chaplin's "Modern Times" can be seen playing in the movie. It was the fifth movie that Phillips drew inspiration from.

"I think you'd have to watch 'Modern Times' because we believe there is some Chaplin in Arthur [Fleck] that I think is really important," Phillips told IGN.
You may wonder why the film is referenced in "Joker," but "Modern Times" is about a man who feels he can't keep up with the times. As a result, he decides to just put himself in prison by the film's end.
There's a moment in "Joker" where an Arkham State Hospital employee tells Arthur Fleck that sometimes people just admit themselves there when they have nowhere else to go. By the film's end, we see Fleck inside a mental hospital.
The movie's end will have you questioning what is real and what is fake on screen. There's one moment you may have overlooked that makes it seem as if the majority of the movie is fake.

At the movie's very end, after amassing a following who light Gotham City ablaze, we surprisingly see Joker locked up in a pristine, white mental facility.
The audience is left to wonder whether or not the entire movie just took place, if it was all in Arthur Fleck's head, or if it falls somewhere in between.
Throughout the movie, we get hints that the Joker is an unreliable narrator. The biggest tell is when we learn he imagined Sophie (Zazie Beetz) as his girlfriend throughout the film. When you start thinking about the rest of the movie, you start wondering what else Arthur may have embellished.
For instance, the facility he's in at the movie's end doesn't line up with the Arkham State Hospital he's inside earlier in the film which has yellow walls and is run down. At the film's start, Arthur's social worker asks him if he remembers why he was locked up in Arkham in the first place. The film then cuts to a scene of him in a white room, banging his head against the door. We never hear more about Arthur's time in Arkham, but the room looks similar to the location he's seen in at the film's end.
Was the entire movie nothing more than a vision in Arthur's head? It's left up for interpretation.