
Why Meghan Markle hasn't worn a tiara since her wedding day, unlike Kate Middleton and the Queen

meghan and kate tiaras

  • Meghan Markle became a real-life princess when she married Prince Harry in 2018, according to her official job description.
  • Many would expect Markle to dress like one — however, she has noticeably never worn a tiara since her wedding day. 
  • Insider spoke to royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams, who explained that Markle hasn't had the opportunity to attend white tie events, where the dress code would permit wearing one.
  • "She will undoubtedly wear them at appropriate future events, though obviously this will depend on the duties she and Harry decide they want to undertake as senior royals," he said.
  • Meanwhile, Kate Middleton has already attended many events with this dress code, and even wore Princess Diana's Lovers Knot tiara to a Buckingham Palace reception on Wednesday evening.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

Since Meghan Markle became "Princess of the United Kingdom" when she married Prince Harry in 2018, you'd think she'd be allowed to dress like one by now.

The Duchess of Sussex wore a tiara to her royal wedding in 2018, but she hasn't worn one since. since then the royal has been yet to wear another.

Markle is certainly eligible to wear one, as royal etiquette dictates you must either be born a princess or have married into the royal family to do so.

The accessory is common among the duchess' peers. For instance, her sister-in-law Kate Middleton has been spotted wearing Princess Diana's Lover's Knot tiara to multiple events, most recently to a state banquet with Donald Trump, as well as to a recent Buckingham Palace reception.

kate middleton tiara dec 2019

Her Majesty the Queen also wore a tiara to both events. 

Insider spoke to royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams, who explained that Markle hasn't worn the accessory again because she hasn't had the opportunity.

Queen Elizabeth

"Tiaras are worn by royals at weddings, state banquets, and other white tie events," Fitzwilliams explained.

"She will undoubtedly wear them at appropriate future events, though obviously this will depend on the duties she and Harry decide they want to undertake as senior royals."

The media speculated on why the duchess didn't wear a tiara to the state dinners she attended in Fiji and Tonga last year, with the Mail Online reporting that Prince Charles had advised her against wearing one as it could be seen as "too extravagant."

"Meghan did not understand all of this because she was new to the role and so Prince Charles told her that it would not be appropriate," a source told the publication.

However, Fitzwilliams says she did not wear one due to the relaxed dress code at both events.

"The dress codes at the Tonga and Fiji dinners were more relaxed in line with the personal preferences of Harry and Meghan in their tour of Oceania," he said. "At both Harry wore black tie. It would not have been appropriate for Meghan to wear a tiara at either."

However, despite the fact there are strict rules surrounding when the royals get to wear tiaras, that doesn't mean we won't ever see the duchess wear one.

Read more:

The Queen, Kate Middleton, and the Duchess of Cornwall wore tiaras to a Buckingham Palace reception. Here's why only some members of the royal family are allowed to wear them

The Queen once scolded photographer Annie Leibovitz for asking her to remove her tiara

Kate Middleton wore a plastic tiara to a tea party with a 7-year-old girl with cancer

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