
15 Best Indoor Office Plants That Can Improve Your Working Environment

The office environment can feel pretty dull and uninspiring at times. If you are having trouble focusing and do not like your setting, office plants can be an excellent addition to add some color and new energy to the room. There are many types of plants that thrive in indoor settings, making them the perfect fit for your office. We’ll explore some of the best office plants to add to your space.

Why Should You Consider Using Indoor Office Plants?

Indoor office plants can bring many benefits to any workplace. They are known to reduce stress, boost productivity, and purify the air to an extent from harmful chemicals. Plants can also bring a sense of peace and tranquility to a workspace. Not to mention, they look great and add a touch of nature to any environment.

  1. Stress reduction: A beautiful plant can go a long way in making the office a nicer and greener place for office dwellers and bringing a touch of nature indoors, which helps to reduce stress overall.
  2. Natural air purifying properties: In addition to the benefits plants can bring to the workplace. They can also help to lower energy costs. This is because plants help to regulate temperatures by absorbing heat and releasing moisture, making the air feel more comfortable.
  3. Low maintenance: If you’re looking for ways to brighten up your office space, there are many plants that are extremely low maintenance and easy to care for. You don’t need to spend a lot of time taking care of them, but you will still get the benefits.
  4. Low cost: Small spaces like offices can be decorated with office greenery because these are relatively inexpensive plants that require very little maintenance. Many office dwellers add plants to their space because they are affordable but still look good.
  5. Productivity boost: Having an office space that looks good and makes you feel good is so essential when it comes to productivity. Plants are a wonderful addition that brightens up the room and makes you feel comfortable and happier in your office.

If you want some tips for styling your indoor plants, you’ll want to check out this video after reading.

What Qualities Make Good Indoor Plants?

When adding plants to your office, it is important to consider the type of plant you want to bring in. Different plants require different levels of light, water, and care. In addition, some plants may be better suited for certain types of environments than others.

If you are not sure how many plants you can have, start with one and see how it goes. Some qualities to consider include the following:

  1. Water: Indoor plants are best if they do not have to be watered frequently, making them easy to care for
  2. Light: Think about whether your office gets indirect sunlight or direct sun, as that will dictate what plant will do best. Most office plants do best in medium light or bright indirect light.
  3. Soil: Keeping the soil moist is important for some types of plants, especially if there is lower light. Doing some research on the soil needed will help in deciding whether it’s suitable for office desks or better off outside.

Best Indoor Office Plants

Many indoor plant options are available, from small office plants to larger, slow-growing plants. Here are some of the top office plants you should consider adding to your space today.

1. Spider Plant

The spider plant is a fast-growing, easy-to-care-for plant that is perfect for an office. Spider plants are known to be very efficient at removing formaldehyde from the air, making them a great choice for a healthy indoor environment. Spider plants are always a great addition to an office and are like a type of air filter and can improve air quality overall.

2. Snake Plant

The snake plant, or Mother in Law’s Tongue, is a hardy, low-maintenance plant that can survive in a variety of light and temperature conditions. Snake plants are known for their air-purifying qualities, helping to remove toxins from the air. In addition, a snake plant is one of the best office plants as it converts carbon dioxide to oxygen overnight, so it does well in indoor settings.

3. Cast Iron Plant

A cast iron plant is a relatively low-maintenance plant with gorgeous leafy green leaves. The cast iron plant can be a great office plant since it is small and does not require a lot of light, unlike other plants.

4. ZZ Plant

A ZZ plant can easily brighten up a dimly lit office with its dark green leaves and low maintenance needs. You can find both large and small options for a ZZ plant, which can easily be kept in plastic pots with minimal watering needs.

5. Air Plants

If you like variety with your plants, consider getting air plants. These are little succulents that come in all types of shapes and sizes and need very little care. They mostly need a lot of light, but you don’t need to overwater them, making them good office plants

6. Jade Plant

A jade plant is very easy to grow and does well with low light so it can be another option for an office plant. Jade plants are healthy, grow fast, are relatively easy to take care of, and are popular in many indoor settings.

7. Rubber plants

Rubber plants have grown in popularity, and you have likely seen them in many offices already. Rubber plants are beautiful with shades of burgundy and other colors and are available in a variety of sizes and pot options so that you can customize them to your needs. They do well in low light and are not very difficult to take care of.

8. Swiss cheese plant

Known for their distinctive leafy likeness to swiss cheese, Swiss Cheese plants are a lovely addition to an office that adds a decorative touch. They don’t require much light or water, so they can easily thrive in indoor settings.

More of the Best Office Plants

Office plants - bamboo

When considering which type of plant is best for office spaces, make sure to consider size, light requirements, water needs, and care requirements. This will ensure that you select the right plant for your office and that it will thrive in its new environment.

Indoor office plants can provide many benefits to a workspace. Not only do they look great and bring a sense of peace and tranquility, but they can also increase productivity, purify the air, and help to reduce energy costs.

9. Peace Lily

The peace lily is a beautiful and easy-to-care-for plant that is known to be very effective at removing toxins from the air. Peace lilies are also a very low-maintenance plant, requiring little attention and low light, making them perfect for an indoor office plant option since it does not need direct sunlight.

10. Lucky Bamboo

Office plants - lucky bamboo

The lucky bamboo plant could be the right fit if you want a smaller plant that still looks beautiful. Lucky bamboo plants are tiny and adorable and are one of the best plants if you want to add some greenery without taking up space in the office.

11. Aloe Plant

Aloe plants are both decorative and functional. Like other succulents, they do not require a lot of watering or light, making them easy to care for. And the aloe gel from aloe plants can be beneficial for a variety of cuts, scraps, sunburns, and more, making it a beneficial plant to have.

12. Money plant

Money plants are easy to tend to and are known for their trademark heart-shaped leaves. You can find money plants in many shapes and sizes, perfect for large and small office spaces. They can also grow in different directions since they are trailing plants, which can be great for adding a touch of brightness to an office.

13. Chinese Evergreen

Chinese Evergreen plants have beautiful white and green speckled leaves, which add an artistic flare to an office. If you are looking for plants that brighten up your space without being too much effort to take care of, consider getting a Chinese evergreen plant.

14. Philodendron

Philodendron is another hardy, low-maintenance plant that can tolerate a variety of light and temperature conditions. It is known to be very efficient at removing toxins from the air, making it an excellent choice for an office.

15. Pothos (Devil’s Ivy)

Pothos is a fast-growing, hardy plant that can thrive in low-light and low-maintenance conditions. The Pothos plant is known for its air-purifying qualities and ability to reduce stress.

Here is a quick reference you can go to for the 15 best office plants.

No. Office Plant Description
1. Spider Plant Fast-growing, easy-to-care-for plant that efficiently removes formaldehyde from the air.
2. Snake Plant Hardy, low-maintenance plant with air-purifying qualities that converts carbon dioxide to oxygen.
3. Cast Iron Plant Relatively low-maintenance plant that thrives in low-light conditions and requires minimal care.
4. ZZ Plant Dark green, low-maintenance plant suitable for dimly lit offices with minimal watering needs.
5. Air Plants Little succulents that come in various shapes and sizes, requiring minimal care and lots of light.
6. Jade Plant Easy-to-grow plant that thrives in low light and grows relatively fast, popular in indoor settings.
7. Rubber Plants Beautiful plants with burgundy shades, suitable for low-light environments and not overly demanding.
8. Swiss Cheese Plant Distinctive leafy plant that thrives in indoor settings with low light and water requirements.
9. Peace Lily Beautiful plant effective at removing toxins, requiring little attention and low light conditions.
10. Lucky Bamboo Small, decorative plant that adds greenery without taking up much space, perfect for compact offices.
11. Aloe Plant Decorative and functional plant with healing properties, easy to care for and ideal for low-light areas.
12. Money Plant Easy-to-tend plant with heart-shaped leaves, available in various sizes and great for adding brightness.
13. Chinese Evergreen Plant with white and green speckled leaves, adding an artistic touch to the office space.
14. Philodendron Hardy plant that efficiently removes toxins from the air and can tolerate different light conditions.
15. Pothos (Devil's Ivy) Fast-growing, air-purifying plant suitable for low-light and low-maintenance environments.

Best Low-Light Plants for a Home Office with Pets

Office plants - cats and dogs

If you work at home, you may have cats and dogs. When selecting low-light plants for your work-at-home office, it’s important to consider the safety of both. Here are some pet-friendly options that are suitable for both feline and canine companions:

  1. Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens): Areca palms are safe for both cats and dogs. Their tropical appearance and air-purifying qualities make them a great choice for a work-at-home office with low-light conditions.
  2. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata): Boston ferns are not only safe for cats but also safe for dogs. Their lush foliage adds a touch of elegance to any space, making them an ideal choice for a home office.
  3. Friendship Plant (Pilea involucrata): Friendship plants are non-toxic to both cats and dogs. Their textured leaves with deep green or bronze patterns can enhance the visual appeal of your work-at-home office.
  4. Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans): Parlor palms are safe for both cats and dogs. With their delicate palmate leaves, they can thrive in low-light conditions, adding a touch of greenery to your workspace.
  5. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum): Spider plants are safe for both cats and dogs. Their long, arching leaves and air-purifying abilities make them an attractive and pet-friendly addition to a work-at-home office.
  6. Prayer Plant (Maranta leuconeura): Prayer plants are non-toxic to both cats and dogs. They have strikingly patterned leaves that fold up at night, creating a unique and visually appealing look in your work-at-home office.

By incorporating these pet-friendly low-light plants into your work-at-home office, you can enjoy the benefits of greenery while ensuring the safety and well-being of your furry companions. However, it’s still important to monitor your pets and discourage any chewing or ingestion of plants to maintain their health (and your beautiful plants!).

What Indoor Plants Do Best in Low Light Conditions?

Office plants - various plants

Many indoor plants thrive in indirect light and very little light, including the spider plant, snake plant, and air plants.

Which Indoor Plants Thrive in Direct Sunlight?

Plants in the lily family tend to do better in natural light and are more likely to grow in bright light versus dim light if watered in the correct amount.

What Are the Most Low-maintenance Office Plants?

Office plants - hanging plants

The most low-maintenance plants include the spider plant, snake plant, and ZZ plants, as they do not need a lot of water or light to grow. Succulents like agave and crassulas, along with cacti and air plants are also extremely low-maintenance varieties that can look striking in the right arrangement.


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Image: Envato Elements

This article, "15 Best Indoor Office Plants That Can Improve Your Working Environment" was first published on Small Business Trends

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