
Small Businesses Take Stand Against Federal Minimum Wage Increase

The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) is challenging a Department of Labor’s (DOL) rule that seeks to increase the minimum wage for federal contractors. This controversial move could potentially bear significant implications for small businesses nationwide and has been flagged as exceeding the authority delegated by Congress.

NFIB, a prominent advocacy organization for small businesses, has filed an amicus brief in the State of Nebraska et al. v. Martin Walsh, currently being heard at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. The case asks whether the DOL’s decision to raise the minimum wage for federal contractors is in line with the power granted by Congress under the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act.

In the case’s spotlight, NFIB strongly argues against a federal minimum wage increase, emphasizing that it could cause detrimental financial consequences for small businesses.

“Small businesses don’t benefit from most federal mandates, such as the federal minimum wage increase for contractors highlighted in this case,” expressed Beth Milito, Executive Director of NFIB’s Small Business Legal Center. She underlined the potential risks, “If enacted, the rule will have financial burdens and cause job losses for small government contractors, small subcontractors, and small entities seeking to gain government contracts.”

Milito highlighted that Congress didn’t endorse the proposed rule, nor did the legislative body authorize the DOL to increase the minimum wage for federal contractors. The organization is urging the Court to halt the rule’s implementation.

The brief put forward by NFIB makes two critical arguments. First, it asserts that the Procurement Act is a limited Congressional delegation of legislative authority, suggesting that the DOL may be overstepping its bounds. Secondly, it insists that the rule must be subjected to meaningful judicial review, ensuring checks and balances in regulatory decision-making.

The NFIB is in the legal fight with support from the Pacific Legal Foundation. Its Small Business Legal Center is a dedicated entity that safeguards the rights of small business owners in the nation’s courts. NFIB plays an active role in over 40 cases nationwide across federal and state courts, including those heard in the U.S. Supreme Court.

The case highlights the balance between regulatory actions and their impacts on small business stakeholders. The case outcome could significantly shape the landscape for small enterprises, especially those seeking to secure government contracts. Small businesses, often touted as the backbone of the U.S. economy, will watch with bated breath as the court’s decision could influence their financial future and the overall health of the small business sector.

As the case unfolds, it underscores the importance of legal checks on regulatory actions and their potential impact on the business community. It serves as a reminder to small businesses to stay informed and engaged with regulatory changes and seek legal counsel to protect their interests when necessary.

Image: NFIB

This article, "Small Businesses Take Stand Against Federal Minimum Wage Increase" was first published on Small Business Trends

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