
50 Small Business Ideas for Infopreneurs

Infopreneurs are business owners who make money by selling information. Of course, information can come in many different forms. So there are plenty of different business ideas out there for those who want to make a living by selling their expertise. Here are 50 different business ideas for infopreneurs.

Business Ideas for Infopreneurs

Traditional Author

50 Small Business Ideas for Infopreneurs - Author

If you want to share information, writing a book can be a great way to pack a lot into a single product.

eBook Author

But you don’t have to go through a traditional publisher anymore. You can easily publish your own books online now and sell them as ebooks.

Expert Blogger

You can also start your own blog on a subject where you have a lot of expertise.

Niche Blogger

Or you can start a blog in a very specific niche and share information and commentary about just that specific subject.

Guest Blogger

If you’re well known in a specific niche or industry, you can also earn an income by offering your services as a guest blogger for other sites.


Podcasting is a great way to share information and expertise in an audio format.

Newsletter Writer

50 Small Business Ideas for Infopreneurs - Newsletter Writer

Or you can share your expertise with subscribers via an email newsletter.

Affiliate Marketer

Whether you have a blog, podcast, newsletter or other online venue, you can build a business by working with brands as an affiliate marketer that drives traffic to related websites.

YouTube Personality

You can also create your own YouTube channel or online videos where you share information and make money via advertising.

Public Speaker

If you prefer to share your expertise in person, you can make public speaking appearances at relevant events.

Niche Website Operator

You can also start a website in a specific niche and share information in formats other than traditional blog posts or podcasts.

Membership Site Owner

Or you can build a website and charge a membership fee for those who want to access specific parts of the site or receive other benefits like bonus content via email.

Social Media Influencer

50 Small Business Ideas for Infopreneurs

You can also share your expertise or information via social media and build up your reputation as a social media influencer.

Social Media Manager

Though it’s also a service-based business, you can share your expertise through those services by working with businesses to manage their social media accounts.

Online Course Creator

For those who want to teach a specific skill or craft, you can create your own online courses and sell them to relevant customers.

Workbook Seller

Or you can create workbooks, worksheets or other informational downloads and sell them via a blog or website.

How-to Guide Creator

How-to guides can be another great way to share specific pieces of information. You can create your own and then sell them online or even make hard copies.

Magazine Publisher

Traditional print publications might not be as popular as they used to be. But you can still create your own magazines or similar publications and sell them to consumers.

Newspaper Publisher

Likewise, you can create a local or niche newspaper to sell information to consumers.

Freelance Blogger

Freelancing is another great way to sell your expertise in a specific subject. You can write for other websites or publications as a way to earn an income.

Ghost Blogger

Or you could create articles or blog posts and sell them to websites for them to publish under their own names.


Copywriters can specialize in a variety of different content formats. You can build your own business writing anything from advertisements to product descriptions.


Or you could work with clients on a more personal level as a coach in a specific field or niche, either in person or online.


Consultants are similar to coaches, but can help people or businesses deal with more specific issues.

Forum Moderator

If you want to build an info business online, you can create an online forum where you and members of your community can share information.

Community Leader

Or you can start a community based business either in person or online and make money through events or membership.

Directory Site Operator

You can also create a website specifically to list a specific type of information. You can then charge businesses or individuals to be listed on your site.

Industry Thought Leader

If you’re able to build expertise in a specific industry, you can come to be known as a thought leader and earn an income through anything from training sessions to speaking engagements.

Printables Seller

There are a variety of different printable products you can sell online through downloads, from in-depth guides to simple informational posters.

Webinar Host

Webinars are quick online informational events where you can share your expertise with a wide audience over video.

Workshop Host

Or you could host in-person workshops and charge an admission fee to interested consumers.


If you want to share your expertise on a one-on-one level, you can start a business as a tutor specializing in a particular subject.

Class Instructor

Or you can start a larger class teaching anything from dance to SAT-prep.

Conference Organizer

If you want to share information via conferences or events, you can start your own and then make sure you have great speakers and info for your attendees.

Mobile App Seller

Mobile apps can also help you share information with mobile consumers. You can develop your own and then sell it or make money via in-app purchases or ads.

Financial Advisor

If you’re knowledgeable about finances, you can serve as an advisor for individuals or businesses to share your expertise in exchange for a fee.


You can also sell information in the form of research on specific subjects requested by your clients.


Editors might not always share their own personal expertise in their work. But they can add helpful insights for writers in a variety of different formats.

Professional Trainer

If you work in an industry that requires a specific form of training, you can build a business by offering that specific training to businesses that want to outsource that part of their business.

E-Library Creator

You can also collect information from various sources and create your own e-library as a way to make finding information easier for people.

Business Plan Service Operator

For business experts, you can offer your services as a business plan writer or consultant as a way to share your expertise with new entrepreneurs.

Marketing Service Operator

You can also provide content marketing and other marketing informational products or services to businesses.

Small Business Ideas for Infopreneurs

Press Release Service Operator

Or you can provide a service where you write press releases for businesses to share their information with media outlets and more.

Brochure Creator

You can also create brochures and other smaller form informational content for business clients.

Direct Mail Creator

Or you could start a service where you write or create direct mail campaigns to share information about businesses or causes.


If you know more than one language, you can also help to translate informational documents and other materials.

Short Story Writer

Writers who don’t want to write full length books or short blog posts could also potentially build a business by writing and selling short stories.

Personal Trainer

For fitness minded entrepreneurs who want to share expertise with individual clients, personal training can be a great business idea.

Fitness Instructor

Or you could hold larger classes where you share your expertise with multiple people at once.

Meal Planning Service Provider

If your expertise lies more in the realm of dieting, you can also create and sell meal plans for clients who need help coming up with a personalized plan.

Elevating Your Infopreneurial Journey: A Commitment to Value and Growth

Embarking on the path of infopreneurship is a journey that promises both personal fulfillment and financial success. As you embrace the role of an infopreneur, consider these guiding principles to amplify your efforts and create a lasting impact:

  • Diversified Formats: Explore various content formats, such as podcasts, videos, webinars, and workshops, to cater to diverse learning preferences.
  • Global Reach: Leverage the power of the internet to reach a global audience. Your expertise can transcend geographical boundaries.
  • Niche Refinement: Continuously refine your niche expertise. A laser-focused approach enhances your credibility and sets you apart.
  • Collaborative Ventures: Collaborate with fellow infopreneurs, forming partnerships that expand your reach and enrich your offerings.
  • Authority Building: Consistently provide valuable insights to position yourself as an authoritative figure in your niche.
  • Innovation: Embrace innovation to present information in fresh and captivating ways. Creative approaches resonate with modern audiences.
  • Analytics Insight: Utilize analytics to gain insights into your audience’s preferences and refine your content strategy accordingly.
  • Scalability: Design your offerings for scalability. Consider creating evergreen content or automated systems that continue generating income.
  • Automation Tools: Embrace automation tools to streamline tasks like email marketing, content scheduling, and customer engagement.
  • Interactive Engagement: Foster interaction through quizzes, polls, and Q&A sessions to engage your audience actively.
  • Continual Learning: Stay updated with the latest trends and information in your field. Infopreneurs are lifelong learners.
  • Feedback Elevation: Encourage constructive feedback from your audience and use it as a catalyst for growth and improvement.
  • Personal Branding: Cultivate a strong personal brand that resonates with your audience and reflects your core values.
  • Storytelling Mastery: Master the art of storytelling to convey information in a relatable and memorable manner.
  • Public Relations: Build relationships with media outlets and industry influencers to amplify your message and reach a wider audience.
  • Tech Savviness: Stay technologically adept. Innovations in digital tools can enhance your content delivery and engagement strategies.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Base your decisions on data-driven insights, helping you fine-tune your offerings for optimal results.
  • Community Fostering: Cultivate a strong sense of community among your audience, fostering a space for shared learning and growth.
  • Intrapreneurial Mindset: Embrace an intrapreneurial mindset, allowing you to adapt quickly to changing circumstances and seize emerging opportunities.
  • Passion Persistence: Infopreneurship requires passion and persistence. Commit to your mission even in the face of challenges.
Guiding Principles Description
Diversified Formats Explore diverse content formats like podcasts, videos, webinars, and workshops to cater to varied learning preferences.
Global Reach Leverage the internet to reach a worldwide audience, transcending geographical boundaries.
Niche Refinement Continuously refine your niche expertise to enhance credibility and stand out in your field.
Collaborative Ventures Collaborate with fellow infopreneurs to expand reach and enrich your offerings through partnerships.
Authority Building Consistently provide valuable insights to establish yourself as an authoritative figure in your niche.

As you venture into the realm of infopreneurship, remember that your expertise has the power to inspire, educate, and transform lives. By embodying these principles, you’re not only shaping a successful business but also contributing positively to your industry and the lives you touch.

Sharing Expertise: A Pathway to Infopreneurial Success

The realm of infopreneurship offers a unique avenue for individuals to monetize their expertise and knowledge. Infopreneurs are entrepreneurs who thrive by sharing valuable information with eager audiences. As you embark on this journey to establish your own infopreneurial venture, consider the following insights that can help you strike the balance between passion and profit:

  1. Niche Expertise: Your success as an infopreneur hinges on your in-depth knowledge of a specific niche. Focus on a subject that resonates with your passion and resonates with your audience’s needs.
  2. Content Strategy: Develop a well-structured content strategy that aligns with your niche. Plan how you’ll deliver information—whether through blogging, podcasts, videos, newsletters, or other formats.
  3. Engaging Content Creation: Create content that is not only informative but also engaging and valuable. Your audience should find solutions, insights, and actionable advice that they can apply in their lives.
  4. Build a Community: Foster a community around your content. Engage with your audience, respond to their queries, and encourage discussions to create a sense of connection and belonging.
  5. Monetization Paths: Explore various ways to monetize your expertise, such as selling e-books, online courses, workshops, or subscription-based content.
  6. Consistent Branding: Create a recognizable brand identity that reflects your niche and resonates with your audience. Consistency in branding builds trust and credibility.
  7. Value Exchange: Focus on delivering value before expecting monetary returns. Provide free content that showcases your expertise, which in turn can drive your audience to pay for premium offerings.
  8. Marketing Mastery: Utilize effective marketing strategies to promote your content and offerings. Leverage social media, collaborations, and SEO to expand your reach.
  9. Feedback Loop: Encourage feedback from your audience and use it to enhance your offerings. Cater to their evolving needs and preferences.
  10. Quality over Quantity: Prioritize quality over quantity. Delivering high-value content builds your reputation as a trustworthy source of information.
  11. Adapt to Trends: Stay updated with industry trends and adapt your content and strategies accordingly. Infopreneurship is dynamic, and your ability to evolve will determine your success.
  12. Ethical Monetization: Strike a balance between monetization and ethical considerations. Prioritize your audience’s needs and respect their trust.
  13. Measurement and Analysis: Regularly track metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies. Analyze data to refine your content and engagement approach.
  14. Networking: Collaborate with other infopreneurs and professionals in your niche. Networking can open doors to partnerships, cross-promotions, and expanded audiences.
  15. Long-Term Vision: Craft a long-term vision for your infopreneurial venture. Establish goals, milestones, and a roadmap for growth and expansion.

Infopreneurship empowers you to share your expertise while building a sustainable income stream. By navigating these principles, you can not only nurture your passion for knowledge-sharing but also build a thriving infopreneurial business that resonates with your audience and reflects your values.

Remember, your journey as an infopreneur is a testament to your dedication to empowering others with valuable insights and information.

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This article, "50 Small Business Ideas for Infopreneurs" was first published on Small Business Trends

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